Sunday, September 19, 2010

boing, boing, boing

It's garage sale season in Memphis.

Our lucky find ...

a big, full size trampoline for $25

Willa adores it.

I thought I'd love it also.  Matt and I both grew up with trampolines.  But, I admit, it makes me so nervous to watch Willa bounce around.  Not nervous enough to get rid of it.  Just nervous enough to watch Willa like an eagle while she's on it.  I've woken up twice with nightmares of her falling off.

It makes me feel a whole lot better when Matt jumps with her.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

First Haircut

While Moe was visiting, we finally took Willa to get her haircut.

Look at this crazy hair...

I let it go way too long, but I was afraid to take her because I thought she might cry and fight me.

I was wrong.  She could have cared less.

She just sat on my lap and almost fell asleep.

Here are a couple after shots.  I had mine cut while we were there as well.  I know, great style for me - all wet and messy.  That's what you get when you go to Supercuts and spend 6 bucks.