Friday, October 26, 2012

book club

These are most of my very favorite ladies in Memphis.  This picture just makes me smile seeing everyone! I love my book club.  Everyone is so good about reading the book and we have such wonderful discussions that lead late into the night.  There are 13 in our group right now (2 aren't pictured).  Six of us are resident wives.  Thank you ladies for one kid-free night every month full of
girl talk and food!

Oh, and if you are looking for something to read, I do keep a list of our books on the sidebar on the right of this blog below my list of blog links.  My favorites are marked with a "+" but almost all of them are worth reading.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Brown Fam Fall Trip

My family on our recent trip to Savannah.  Good times!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

new bikes

I can remember every spring in Ohio when the warm weather would finally arrive after the long, cold, gray winter ended and I would want to spend every free minute outside.

Well, it is the opposite here.  Memphis is so hot in the summer that everyone hibernates during the summer and when fall hits, you see people outside again.  It is the perfect time of year to learn how to ride a bike... with training wheels of course.  

Clark loves his hand me down trike, too.  It has a handle in the back for us to push.  Everyday he walks up to it and asks to ride on it.  I've been known to push him around the garage when it's raining out.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

2012 birthday recap

Matt - turned 32 in March
We really do love him even though we celebrated with a half eaten cheesecake from the freezer.  In my defense, Matt wasn't going to be home to eat the cake (He left to moonlight in Arkansas for a week right after his birthday) and I was still nursing Clark so I was on a very strict dairy free diet.  I felt bad though and bought him a cake when we visited him in Arkansas... that no one ate much of and was eventually thrown away.  (Moe - like his shirt? haha)

Clark - turned 1 in March
He loved his brownie cupcake and ate the entire thing.  I can't remember what else we did for his birthday.  But I'm sure it was stupendous.  

I turned 31 in September
Matt had to work late on my birthday, but he came home with cake and flowers.  We let the kids stay up until 9 or 10 celebrating.  Earlier in the day, my friend, Brittany, took me and Clark out to lunch while Willa and her son were in preschool - which was so lovely!

Willa turned 3 in January.  I actually did blog about it.  You can read about it here.

That was kind of a depressing birthday blog post.  Now I see why I didn't bother blogging about any of our birthdays. We need to do better in 2013! Our 2012 birthdays were so low key because Matt pretty much works everyday.  Not an exaggeration. Between his residency shifts and moonlighting, he maybe has 1 or 2 days off a month.  In September he had 1 day off the whole month.  We see very little of him these days.  Less than 9 months to go...