Monday, March 30, 2009

Smile Show

This was taken with my phone and my computer wouldn't let me rotate it so it's not the best quality. This was actually taken several weeks ago. Willa wakes up so smiley in the morning. I think Matt makes a little extra noise so Willa will wake up before he leaves for work so he can see a little smile show. But that's OK since she always goes back to sleep.


Elizabeth said...

Lindsay she is sooo adorable!! I'm so glad you started a blog so that I can keep up with your life! you have such a cute little family!!

Cynthia said...

Willa is adorable! So glad I found your blog.

sinika said...

So fun to see your blog and little Willa! (I'm Matt's cousin- Sinika...) Anyway- can't wait to get to know you guys better through this blogging business. Can I come to the big Wetzel reunion too?

Amanda said...

What a happy baby! Happy babies come from happy families!!