Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Willa here. I may be too young to tell you, but I love you Dad...

I love your scratchy kisses

and when you catch me fishes. I love to ride upon your chest

and take long walks on your day of rest.I love that you work hard for me

and when you delivered me, I shouted "wee".
I love when you wrap me up real tight
and change my diapers, even when I put up a fight.
I love when you read me books

and give me silly, little looks. I love to lay in your arms, all curled

and I love that you're going to show me the world.

But most of all, I just love you!
Happy Father's Day!

And Happy Father's Day to our Dads. We love you!

Friday, June 19, 2009

they're gone - hallelujah

I have HATED my coffee and end tables for 5 years. They are a bear to keep clean, and they aren't really my style. So I listed them on craigslist and they sold! Woo-hoo. We paid $45 five years ago and we sold them for $40. Good deal. I am so excited THEY'RE GONE.

We also sold this rusty old fire pit that our neighbor gave us for free. My email was bombarded with emails immediately after I posted it . We didn't know we had such a hot commodity on our hands. Sold for $5.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Saying Goodbye

We went to Cleveland this past weekend for one last get together with our medical school crew before we left Toledo. (We missed you Chip & Carmen)

Matt met them all in class during the first few days of first year. They all sat in the back row. Most of them lived alone so they started getting together once a week to eat dinner together. They invited Matt and I to dinner one week and the rest is history. We've made some great memories with them.

Our first trip - Jamaica

Bonnaroo in TN
(of course the remnants of a hurricane had to be passing through while we spent 3 nights at an outdoor concert)

Puerto Rico

Here we are at one of our many dinner parties in Toledo

the most expensive camping trip EVER on Middle Bass Island in Lake Erie

Match Day...exciting, but sad to see it all ending

Ahh, sailing in the Virgin Islands. Match Day was over. Rotations were over. It was finally time to kick back, relax, and be glad medical school was behind us.

And Graduation - the end of an era

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Packing, Packing, & Playing

We've been packing fools lately, but we've still managed to find time to play with Willa.

I've needed Willa to entertain herself more than usual while I've been packing. After we went grocery shopping yesterday, I had a bag of bags sitting next to Willa. She discovered them and thought it was great fun to pull them out one by one and shake them. (Don't worry, I kept a close eye on her.)

Willa learned how to blow raspberries, but she hasn't learned how to control her saliva. Check out all the spit around her mouth. Silly, little girl!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

baby explosion

These are SOME of the babies at church that were born in the past 9 months. Two more babies were absent, two moved while still in utero, and seven are due in the next few months. Willa is the second from the right on the couch not really enjoying herself.