Wednesday, June 2, 2010

camping at Natchez Trace State Park

We took advantage of one of the last cool weekends in early May and met our friends who live in Nashville at Natchez Trace State Park to camp.  Willa was a great camper during the day.  During the a different story.  I know she woke up the Lindemanns, whose tent was next to ours, several times with shrieks and cries.  And most likely, she woke up most of the campground. Sorry!

But during the day, Willa was great.  She was curious and happily played with sticks, rocks, and the 3 Lindemann girls.  

She stayed out of the campfire and ate her fire cooked meals.  She was happy to play on the rusty old playground.  (It was so old school.  It reminded me of playgrounds when I was a kid.  Metal and hot and dangerous.)

She loved wading in the lake while Matt and Ingo went canoeing and did a great job walking along the nature trail.  She loved the long bridge that crossed the lake.

The Mid South (that's what they call the area around here) is definitely NOT the best place to camp, but with good company, it's worth it.

1 comment:

Emilee said...

Looks like fun. Camping, especially the sleeping part, is always a crazy adventure with tiny kids. Good work.