Sunday, September 19, 2010

boing, boing, boing

It's garage sale season in Memphis.

Our lucky find ...

a big, full size trampoline for $25

Willa adores it.

I thought I'd love it also.  Matt and I both grew up with trampolines.  But, I admit, it makes me so nervous to watch Willa bounce around.  Not nervous enough to get rid of it.  Just nervous enough to watch Willa like an eagle while she's on it.  I've woken up twice with nightmares of her falling off.

It makes me feel a whole lot better when Matt jumps with her.


lindsey v said...

What a great find! And your little girl is so GORGEOUS!

brittani c. said...

Willa looks so old in these pictures! I can't believe it's been so long since I've seen you guys. Enjoy the trampoline...what a deal! Finn would jump on one all day if he could.

Renae said...

25 bucks?!! That's the deal of the year! You could get a net to go around it, if you're losing sleep. :) jk Willa looks like she's in heaven. :)

Unknown said...

Willa is getting SO BIG! I can't believe it!
Trampolines are so fun! I'm jealous. :)

Kenna said...

Wow, that was a steal! She will have so much fun. My kids think Marc is the meanest dad ever because he won't let them have a trampoline!

Kenna said...

Wow, that was a steal! She will have so much fun. My kids think Marc is the meanest dad ever because he won't let them have a trampoline!

Cynthia said...

very fun! The first picture is cute of her crazy hair as she bounces.

Lindsay said...

I've looked into buying pads and a net, but they are really expensive. They make a $25 trampoline cost over $200.

Jill Lau said...

hi Lindsay, Glen just got an interview in Memphis and we were just wanting to talk to you about the area a little and see if you possibly had room for Glen to stay a night. I don't have your email or phone number so i hope you get this. Let us know, Thanks
Glen 801-234-9220
Jill 801-234-9223
He would be staying the night on November 14th and has an interview on the 15th.

Emilee said...

Find of the century, indeed. You lucky dogs.

I cannot believe Willa is so big--big enough to jump on a trampoline. Holy smokes!