We started out with the train... which is calm and family friendly. But by the end of the night, Willa and Matt were on the fast and zippy fair-like rides and they loved it. Matt definitely passed on his adventurous gene to Willa.
We ran into some friends so we hopped back on the train and rode again.
The next two pictures were taken a year apart. The carousel this year and last year. My sweet Willa has grown so much.
last year...
I thought Willa would get scared or dizzy on some of the rides, but I was wrong. She loved them. My mom always says that Willa looks so dainty and girly and acts all sweet, but then you get her on a playground or wherever, and this little brave and strong girl emerges. And it is so true. When she falls off something, she cries a little (or a lot) and then shakes it off and tries again until she masters whatever she is trying to do.
Her favorite ride was the boats.
Oh, Willa, we love you!
Clark is almost four months old, and I still find myself saying all the time that I am having a hard time adjusting to 2 kids. Matt keeps assuring me that Clark is a hard baby. Some days I ask myself why I wanted to be a mom so bad. But then Clark will smile or giggle or Willa will give me a smush kiss or Matt will have some time off and we'll do something as a family, and I'll remember that so much good comes from being a mother as well.
His colic is getting better and better, but he is still a squirmy little guy. He HATES to be held when I am sitting down or standing still so I feel like I go through life swaying and dancing. Church has sort of become a joke. We go, but I spend the whole time in the hall with Clark. He doesn't take a pacifier, but he loves to chew on his hands or my hands. He loves to coo and "talk" to us and smile and laugh. Oh, Clarky, we love you too.