Sunday, November 2, 2014

October 2014

Halloween season with little kids is the best!
We carved pumpkins...
Willa looks like a teenager to me here.  She's only 5 - going on 15.

visited a pumpkin patch...

Oliver is a climber.  He kept climbing on the big pumpkins.  He was so proud.

We went to the pumpkin patch on a field trip with Clark's preschool class.
enjoyed fall leaves...

These pictures are from our new neighborhood.  We live 10 minutes outside of town on the Missouri River.  We love it :)

 and trick-or-treated.
Willa and Savana.  Willa insisted on the green face.  In her mind - witches have green faces.

Clark and Annie.  Clark has discovered superheroes.  He loves them all.  And loves that he shares a name with Superman.

Oliver - the bird.  I thought I was buying a monster costume.  But when I got home, I discovered the bird hat tucked inside.


kate said...

Seriously, your kids have grown up so much! Especially Clark! They are so cute. And wow, what a gorgeous place to live, i t looks perfect.

Katie said...

So, what are you and Matt? Pajama kids? Sleepy people? It is fun to halloween with little kids. Willa looked so old to me in that first picture! before I even read your caption I was like - Woa Joey look at Willa!! But I'm glad she's not a teenager. Phew. I loved loved loved all of the amazing pictures of your neighborhood. It looks so inviting. Is that what you're doing? Inviting us with those lovely pictures? I love that Clark is excited that he shares his name with superman. That works out well. That's how Luke was when he started to get into Star Wars. And witches faces ARE green. I agree with you Willa. Such a cute and fun post! We miss you guys.