Here is a before shot and a few after shots...
(taken a couple weeks ago)
And after...
Clark is doing great. He doesn't seem to be in any pain or be uncomfortable. There is some redness, but the stitches and real yucky parts aren't visible because they are farther back on his eyes.
A little about his surgery:
Clark was given general anesthesia so he was completely out and intubated (i.e. tube down his throat to help him breathe). Then the ophthalmologist pulled open one of his eyelids very wide, detached the medial muscle, and then reattached it a few millimeters farther back on his eye. Then she did the same thing to the other eye. OUCH!
So glad to hear it went well. He looks great!
So happy to see an update. I was sure thinking about you guys on Thursday! I am glad he is doing well.
I'm so glad things went well. We were praying for him. And you. He's so cute!
such a cute little kiddo!! He's in our prayers for sure!! glad that everything went well.
modern medicine is a miracle
brave lil guy ... he looks great
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