Matt said it was the best date he's ever been on.
For $40 we got dinner at the cafe...
two boxes of ammunition... two targets...
one hour on a lane...
gun rental...
(we could trade guns as often as we liked)
and free babysitting.
(thanks to our babysitting group)
We fired two handguns - a .357 Magnum (above) and .45 Springfield 1911 (below)
It was a crazy good deal. I'm not super comfortable around guns. I did not grow up shooting guns. And for some reason shooting hunting rifles and shotguns doesn't weird me out as much as handguns do, but after I got over that, it was fun to try and shoot a bullseye.
That looks super fun!
What a great date...gotta admit, my husband and I have done this too for dates. I love revolvers.
Matt -
This is Justin Sacks. I'm at UT right now and interested in Radiology. I'm a fourth year. We actually met a couple of time, and talked for a little bit when moving in Eric Marks into his house. I'm in need of Radiology advice, if you have some to offer :). I don't know how else to contact you. My email is
I am jealous of your amazing date night! and lindsay- your hair is getting so long. I guess you've been gone a year now. so crazy. For book club this month we are reading "O, Pioneers!" I think of you guys every time I pick up the book! Tell willa hello from toledo!
Nice choice in guns. Matt certainly didn't start you small. :) When the residency adventure is done Emilee and I decided you guys need to move to Utah.
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