Wednesday, April 28, 2010


They've started.

Willa had her 15 month check up at the pediatrician last week.  Her doctor asked me if Willa had started throwing tantrums.  And she really hadn't.  He said she would probably start throwing them pretty soon.  I think she heard him.  It wasn't 24 hours later that she threw her first tantrum.

It's hard to take her seriously when she is screaming and crying (or pretending to cry) and acting crazy.  Sometimes I have to laugh and sometimes I want to tape her mouth closed.  The pediatrician told me to ignore her tantrums so that's what I do.  The only thing that seems to help is to let her go on for a minute and then ask her if she needs a hug.  She usually comes running, gives me a big hug, and calms down.

Here she is this morning.  I made her pancakes (which is not the norm in my house.  We usually eat cereal and fruit).  Apparently she wasn't in the mood for pancakes.


Emilee said...

Oh. . . sweet, sweet tantrums. Best stage ever. The lovely thing about tantrums is they are never frustrating, never embarrassing, and they never EVER make you regret your decision to embark upon motherhood. :)

Clayton & Kayley Anderson said...

I think you are handling it well, if that's any consolation. Time out is a useful tool as well!

Sharon Beesley said...

haha. I just checked out 3 parenting books from the library today because I'm at my wits with all these tantrums. As I type this I hear Oscar and Owen screaming because Rob is trying to get them out of the shower. All I can hear is, "NOOO! MORE SHOWER! MORE SHOWER! aaahhhHHHHHH!!!".

Sharon Beesley said...

And Rob just asked me, "What would one of your books recommend I do here?"

Lindsay said...

haha! I guess it is a right of passage.

Lindsay said...

haha! I guess it is a right of passage.

JoJo said...

must be in here genes--her Mom used to do the same thing